Chasing Spring is a documentary where the season is in control. For more information go to or follow us on Twitter @chasing_spring
Rick dragged me on a 36 mile treck last summer (we got lost, never trusting his navigation again!). I was pretty dead too. Doing a 40 mile treck to a spring wedding in April somewhere in the Cotswolds, so my knees are aching in sympathy wtih yours. :) Good luck and look forward to the next update! Kari
Rick dragged me on a 36 mile treck last summer (we got lost, never trusting his navigation again!). I was pretty dead too. Doing a 40 mile treck to a spring wedding in April somewhere in the Cotswolds, so my knees are aching in sympathy wtih yours. :) Good luck and look forward to the next update!
Thanks Kari!